Conference Papers

On-line Detection and Estimation of Gaseous Point Sources using Sensor Networks

S. Agostinho | João Pedro Gomes
The current work tackles the detection and localization of a diffusive point source, based on spatially distributed concen- tration measurements acquired through a sensor network. A model-based strategy is used, where the concentration field is modeled as a diffusive and advective-diffusive semi-infinite environment. We rely on hypothesis testing for source detec- tion and maximum likelihood estimation for inference of the unknown parameters, providing Crame ́r-Rao Lower Bounds as benchmark. The (non-convex and multimodal) likelihood function is maximized through a Newton-Conjugate Gradient method, with an applied convex relaxation under steady-state assumptions to provide a suitable source position initializa- tion. Detection is carried out resorting to a Generalized Like- lihood Ratio Test. The framework’s robustness is validated against a numerically simulated environment generated by the Toolbox of Level Set Methods, which provides data (loosely) consistent with the model.
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Proc. of EUPSICO 2014 - 22nd European Signal Processing Conference, Lisbon, Portugal