Luís Miguel Santos

Luís Santos

Former Collaborator

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[1] Luís Santos, Hans Du Buf, "Vision-inspired wavelet-based contour and texture methods in diatom recognition", Submitted to: Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis (ELCVIA), 2002
[2] Hans Du Buf, M. M. Bayer, H. Bunke, A. Ciobanu, G. Cristobal, S. Fischer, J. Huerlimann, A. C. Jalba, S. Juggins, M. G. Kelly, Robert Loke, B. Ludes, D. G. Mann, J. L. Pech-Pacheco, J. B. T. M. Roerdink, Luís Santos, Hamid Shahbazkia, R. L. Telford, E. R. Urbach, M. A. Westenberg, M. H. F. Wilkinson, "Automatic diatom analysis: from slide scanning to species identification", Hydrobiologia, 2002
[3] Luís Santos, Hans Du Buf, "Improved grating and bar cell models in diatom analysis", Submitted to: Image and Vision Computing, 2001
[1] Luís Santos, Hans Du Buf, "Identification by Gabor features", Chapter 10 in: Automatic diatom identification, du Buf, H. and Bayer, M. M. (eds), World Scientific, pp. 187-220 , 2002
[1] Luís Santos, Hans Du Buf, "Computational cortical cell models for continuity and texture", Biologically Motivated Computer Vision Workshop, Tuebingen, 2002
[2] Luís Santos, Hans Du Buf, "Pattern detection using cortical cell models", 12th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Aveiro. 6 pages, only on CDROM, 2002
[3] M. Bayer, M. Pullan, D. Mann, S. Juggins, A. Ciobanu, Luís Santos, Hans Du Buf, S. Fischer, H. Bunke, M. Wilkinson, J. Roerdink, J. Pech-Pacheco, G. Cristobal, V. Cirimele, B. Ludes, "ADIAC: Using computer vision technology for automatic diatom identification", Proc. 16th Int. Diatom Symp., A. Economou-Amilli (ed.), Univ. of Athens, Greece, pp 537-562, 2001
[4] Luís Santos, Hans Du Buf, "Improved grating and bar cell models", Proc. 7th Neural Computing in Psychology Worksh., Brighton, UK. To be published as a book chapter, World Scientific, 2001
[5] Hamid Shahbazkia, A. Ciobanu, Luís Santos, Hans Du Buf, "Weighted Morphometric Shape Analysis of Diatoms", Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona, Spain, 2000

In the same group

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