On the News: Beginning of a new space era

A historical event happened on May 30 2020, when the first private company successfully sent humans into orbit (Crew Dragon Demo-2). On the News features overviews by ISR-Lisboa researchers on historical events and news in which they have some expertise. Enjoy this informed comment by Professor Rodrigo Ventura, researcher on the intersection of robotics and […]

Untimely Loss of Professor Paulo Felisberto

On 11 May the unfortunate news of the passing of Professor Paulo Felisberto was shared by the Dean of his alma mater. Paulo Felisberto was a researcher at ISR-Lisboa since it was founded, as well as at Centro de Investigação Tecnológica do Algarve, where he carried out research in the areas of acoustics and ocean […]

ISR Christmas & Winter Solstice Celebration

  Everyone gathered in the Mobile Robotics Laboratory for the lively event of the 2019 celebrations of Christmas/Winter Solstice, on Thursday, December 19, at 5 PM. It was an excellent opportunity to have fun and spend an enjoyable time together while partaking in some holiday treats. This year activities included the ISR Xmas Quiz, a fun […]

People of ISR – Filomena Viegas

If you enter office 7.11 you will immediately see Filomena Viegas sitting in front of the window, surrounded by flowers. “I love orchids. They take a lot of care and attention. Each type has different needs and you need to think of a lot of factors to make them bloom” Filomena started working at Instituto […]

People of ISR – Hugo Simão

Hugo Simão was a Master student in Product Design at the Architecture Faculty of Lisbon University, when he first started cooperating with ISR-Lisboa. The door for this collaboration first opened because of the work Hugo was developing for his Master thesis, undergone through a partnership between his main faculty and the University of Lisbon Faculty […]

People of ISR – Pedro Teixeira Santos

At first glance, it might seem curious that a young man who lived most of his life in London chose to spend time working at ISR-Lisboa instead of going straight to college. For the past twelve years, Pedro Teixeira Santos has lived with his parents near Westminster Abbey and very much enjoyed learning at the […]

People of ISR – Isabel Ribeiro

People of ISR – Former ISR | Lisboa President, Isabel Ribeiro

“I always loved working with tools. When I was young I had an electric train, a Märklin, and I used to go underneath the big table with the platforms, wrench in hand, to try to screw things and fix little traffic lights and level crossings…” When it was time to choose a school branch Isabel […]

New equipment provides platform for collaboration

  A brand new equipment and setup are now available to the researchers of ISR-Lisboa. An electroencephalogram, or EEG equipment, is a type of electrophysiological monitor that, by use of a cap with electrodes positioned in the scalp, allows the record of electric activity in the brain. Over a long period of time, and with […]

ISR-Lisboa Solstice and 25th anniversary celebration

On July 13 2017, ISR-Lisboa had the twin celebration of the 2017 Summer Solstice and the commemoration of the 25th anniversary. The event also marked the announcement of ISR-Lisboa new FB page: www.facebook.com/ISR-Lisboa. The event started with an explanation of the importance of Solstices for the scientific endeavour, the 2017 picture and a get-together to […]

Major ITER contract secured by ISR and IPFN researchers

The Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR) and Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (IPFN), both from IST, are part of the consortium that won recently a contract of 100 million EUR, considered to be one of the biggest robotics contracts to date in the field of fusion energy. The state of the art equipment will form part of ITER, […]