Acronym AI4AR
Name Artificial Intelligence for Augmented Reality in SATCOM Assembly, Inte- gration and Test
Funding Reference ESA AO/1-10678/21/NL/CLP
Dates 2022-05|2024-04

The objective of the activity is to increase the level of autonomy in decision making processes for quality assurance in telecommunication spacecraft assembly, integration and test (AIT).

In this activity, an AI-based image feature recognition system shall be developed to interpret the data retrieved by an augmented reality set to validate assembly operations (mounting, dismounting, repairs, etc.). This AI module shall be introduced and connected to an augmented reality system. AI accelerators or other suitable hardware shall be selected from existing commercial off-the-shelf products. The system shall be capable of processing portions of the spacecraft full computer aided design (CAD) model. The system shall validate autonomously the correct execution of a procedure by comparing the CAD model with the physical status of the spacecraft after assembly. The effectiveness of the system shall be quantified and demonstrated in a realistic environment with representative AIT procedures.

Research Groups Intelligent Robots and Systems Group (IRSg)
Computer and Robot Vision Lab (VisLab)
Project Partners Lusospace - Aerospace Technology, Lda, IST-ID, LuxSpace Sàrl, OHB SE
ISR/IST Responsible
Atabak Dehban
Rodrigo Ventura