Development of Integrated Systems for the Clean Production of Glass

Artificial Intelligence and Manufacturing Systems Simulation

This project aims at the design, development and optimization of new production enhanced systems wich allows the short-term empowerment of new technologies and concepts at the traditional Portuguese industries. In particular, the main goal of the Novo Vidro project is to develop an integrated manufacturing system to the clean production of glass to be applied on the new Novo Vidro factory.
This research encompasses several complementary knowledge’s fields, namely the analysis and design of a new generation non-intrusive sensors to hostile environments, ergonomic methods of production management integrated with suited man-machine interfaces, quality control and shop-floor optimization.
The collaboration of ISR, via ISLab, is mainly on two tasks: Work-package WP2 – Production Simulation, where the objective is to study the shop-floor layout and to develop methods for production planning and Work-package WP5 – Fuzzy Logic Fault Previsison on Glass Parts, where the goal is to dynamically model the process of glass manufacturing using fuzzy logic in order to anticipate future quality-less parts.

ID: 89
From: 1997
Funders: FCT
Partner: ITEC, Combustion Lab of the Mechanical Eng. Department (IST)

Intelligent Robots and Systems Group (IRSg)

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