Predictive Model of Downy Mildew by Evolutionary Synthesis


The development of a state machine model related to the biologic states of the fungus Plamopara viticola and it adaptation by evolutionary synthesis to the local/regional behaviour of the fungus, climatic characteristics and cultural practice.
The adaptation results may suggest relationships of the dynamic development of the fungus and its interactions with the host for further research and confirmation.
The model enables the stablishment of optimal protection strategies and the simulation of hypothetic climateric and treatment scenarios.

PAMAF 6147
ID: 85
From: 01-1997
To: 01-2000
  • FCT
Partner: Direcção Regional de Agricultura de Trás-os -Montes - DRATM (Mirandela, Portugal), Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Viticultura Duriense - ADVID (Peso da Régua, Portugal)

Evolutionary Systems and Biomedical Engineering Lab (LaSEEB)

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