PROMETHEUS – PocketQube Framework Designed for Research and Educational access to Space


The PROMETHEUS project aims at providing easy access to space for the research and education (R&E) community. Learning or researching about space can be more fruitful via hands-on projects. However, Space can seem like a pitfall environment with high risks and therefore high costs to develop projects at student level. This barrier is critical and hinders R&E opportunities given the lack of experience in this environment. The team has identified that there is no current tool that enables easy and low-cost access to such space experience of learning or manufacturing a simple satellite device (the base device for aerospace eng. education).

FCT CMU/TIC/0017/2021
From: 2022-06
To: 2023-06
Funding: 35,000.00
Funders: FCT
Partner: Universidade do Minho, Instituto Superior Técnico

Intelligent Robots and Systems Group (IRSg)

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