Hemaxi Narotamo

Hemaxi Narotamo
Currently, as a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering, my work is focused on the development of deep learning based approaches for the analysis of 3D fluorescence microscopy images of mouse retinas. I’m highly motivated to enrich my knowledge in the field of machine learning, computer vision and medical image processing.
[1] Hemaxi Narotamo, Mariana Dias, Ricardo Santos, Andre Carreira, Hugo Gamboa , Margarida Silveira, "Deep learning for ECG classification: A comparative study of 1D and 2D representations and multimodal fusion approaches", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 93, 106141, 2024
[2] Carolina Cunha, Hemaxi Narotamo, Antónia Monteiro , Margarida Silveira, "Detection and measurement of butterfly eyespot and spot patterns using convolutional neural networks", PLOS ONE 18(11): e0294793, 2023
[3] Hemaxi Narotamo, M. S. Fernandes, Ana Margarida Moreira, Soraia Melo, Raquel Seruca, Margarida Silveira, João Sanches, "A machine learning approach for single cell interphase cell cycle staging", Scientific reports, 11(1), 19278, 2021
[1] Diogo Moura, Hemaxi Narotamo, Margarida Silveira, "A CNN-GNN Approach for Polarity Vectors Prediction in 3D Microscopy Images", EMBS - 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2024
[2] Alice Rosa, Hemaxi Narotamo, Margarida Silveira, "Self-Supervised Segmentation of 3D Fluorescence Microscopy Images Using CycleGAN", 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2023 - PDF
[3] Hemaxi Narotamo, Marie Ouarné, Cláudio Areias Franco, Margarida Silveira, "Synthetic Generation of 3D Microscopy Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks", Proc. of EMBC - 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2022
[4] Hemaxi Narotamo, Marie Ouarné, Cláudio Areias Franco, Margarida Silveira, "Joint Segmentation and Pairing of Nuclei and Golgi in 3D Microscopy Images", Proc. of EMBC - 43nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2021
[5] Hemaxi Narotamo, João Sanches, Margarida Silveira, "Combining Deep Learning with Handcrafted Features for Cell Nuclei Segmentation", Proc. of EMBC - 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Montreal, Canada, 2020
[6] Hemaxi Narotamo, João Sanches, Margarida Silveira, "Segmentation of cell nuclei in fluorescence microscopy images using deep learning", Proc. of 9th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2019), Madrid, Spain, 2019

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Hemaxi Narotamo
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