Conference Papers

A Multiple-UAV Software Archi- tecture for Autonomous Media Production

Ioannis Mademlis | Arturo Torres-González | Jesús Capitán | Rita Cunha | Bruno Guerreiro | Alberto Messina | Fulvio Negro | Cedric le Barz | Tiago Gonçalves | Anastasios Tefas | Ioannis Pitas
The use of UAVs in media production has taken off during the past few years, with increasingly more functions becoming automated. However, current solutions leave a lot to be desired with regard to autonomy and drone swarms/fleets support. This paper presents a novel, complete software architecture suited to an innovative intelligent multipleUAV team platform for media production applications, covering outdoor events (e.g., sports) typically distributed over large expanses. Increased multiple drone decisional autonomy, so as to minimize production crew load, and improved multiple drone robustness/safety mechanisms (e.g., regarding communications, flight regulation compliance, crowd avoidance and emergency landing mechanisms) are supported. Thus, the platform is able to carry out its mission against errors or crew inaction and to effectively handle emergencies.
Impact factor:

EUSIPCO. Satellite Workshop on Signal Processing, Computer Vision and Deep Learning for Autonomous Systems, La Coruña, Spain