Paulo Felisberto

Former Collaborator


Position: Adjoint Professor (Univ. of Algarve)

Group: Signal and Image Processing Group (SIPG)

Personal page:

FCT: J0284758Q83B

[1] WEAM – Wave Energy Acoustic MonitoringFCT [2007-11; 2010-10]
[1] Y. Wu, Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus, A.B. Santos "Bottom parameter estimation using close range ship noise and a short aperture vector sensor array", submitted, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017
[2] Ricardo Alves, Luís Sousa, Aldric Negrier, João Rodrigues, Jânio Monteiro, Pedro Cardoso, Paulo Felisberto, Paulo Bica "Interactive 360 Degree Holographic Installation", International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG), Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 20-38, 2017
[3] Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus, Friedrich Zabel, R. Santos, J. Silva, S. Gobert, S. Beer , M. Bjork, S. Mazzuca, G. Procaccini, A. V. Borges, J. W. Runcie, W. Champenois "Acoustic monitoring of O2 production of a seagrass meadow", Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Vol. 464, pp. 75–87, March, 2015 - PDF
[4] Paulo Felisberto, Orlando Rodriguez, Paulo Santos, Emanuel Ey, Sérgio Jesus "Experimental Results of Underwater Cooperative Source Localization Using a Single Acoustic Vector Sensor", Sensors, Vol. 13, No. 7, pp. 8856-8878, July, 2013
[5] Paulo Santos, Orlando Rodriguez, Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus "Seabed geoacoustic characterization with a vector sensor array", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128, No.5, pp.2652-2663, 2010
[6] Paulo Felisberto, C. Lopes, A. Carmo, Sérgio Jesus, A. Barbagelata "An autonomous system for ocean acoustic tomography", Sea Technology, vol.45, No.4, pp 17-23, 2004 - PDF
[7] Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus "Towed array beamforming during ships maneuvering", IEEE Proc. on Radar, Sonar and Navigation, vol. 143, No. 3, p. 210-215, 1996 - PDF
[8] Sérgio Jesus, Paulo Felisberto, F. Coelho "Towed array geometry estimation during ships maneuvering", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 96, No. 5, Pt. 2, 4aUW14, 1994

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[1] João Rodrigues, Ricardo Alves, Luís Sousa, A. Negrier, P. Cardoso, Jânio Monteiro, Paulo Felisberto, Mauro Figueiredo, B. Silva, Roberto Lam, M. Gomes, P. Bica, Jaime Martins "PRHOLO – 360º Interactive Public Relations", Handbook of Research on Human-Computer Interfaces, Developments, and Applications, J. Rodrigues, P. Cardoso, J. Monteiro, M. Figueiredo (Eds.), pp. 166-191, IGI-Global, 2016
[1] Paulo Felisberto, Orlando Rodriguez, J. P. Silva, S. Jesus, H. Ferreira, P. Ferreira, M. Cunha, C. Santos, I. Olivé, R. Santos "Monitoring bubble production in a seagrass meadow using a source of opportunity", Proc. of Acoustics 2017 - 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 005002, Boston, USA, 2017
[2] Ana Bela Santos, Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus "Using shipping noise for sound speed inversion in coastal areas", IEEE OCEANS 2017, pp. 1-5, Aberdeen, UK, 2017
[3] António Pascoal, Paulo Felisberto, Luís Sebastião, Sérgio Jesus, P. Santos, Agni Mantouka "The Application of a Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor for the Discrimination of Seismic Reflections", Proc. of MTS/IEEE Oceans 2017, Abderdeen, Scotland, 2017
[4] A. Mantouka, Paulo Felisberto, Paulo Santos, D. Maslov, Friedrich Zabel, M. Saleiro, Sérgio Jesus, Luís Sebastião "Development and Testing of a Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor for AUV Acoustic Surveys", Proc. of ECSA 2016 - 3rd International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications; Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 3, 2016
[5] Paulo Felisberto, P. Santos, D. Maslov, Sérgio Jesus "Combining pressure and particle velocity sensors for seismic processing", Proc. of MTS/IEEE OCEANS, Monterey, California, USA, 2016
[6] Paulo Felisberto, Orlando Rodriguez, P. Santos, F. Zabel, Sérgio Jesus "Using passive acoustics for monitoring seagrass beds", Proc. of MTS/IEEE OCEANS, Monterey, California, USA, 2016
[7] Paulo Felisberto, A.B. Santos, Sérgio Jesus "Acoustic channel frequency response estimation using sources of opportunity", Proc. of COA 2016 - IEEE/OES China Oceans Acoustics Symposium, Harbin, China, 2016 - PDF
[8] Y. Wu, A.B. Santos, Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus "Close range ship noise cross correlations with a vector sensor in view of geoacoustic inversion", Proc. of COA 2016 - IEEE/OES China Oceans Acoustics Symposium, Harbin, China, 2016
[9] Ricardo Alves, A. Negrier, L. Sousa, João Rodrigues, Paulo Felisberto, M. Gomes, P. Bica "Interactive 180◦ Rear Projection Public Relations", Proc. of ICCS 2015 - International Conference On Computational Science, Reykjavík, Iceland. Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 51, pp. 592–601, 2015 - PDF
[10] Paulo Felisberto, Orlando Rodriguez, Paulo Santos, Sérgio Jesus, Friedrich Zabel "Variability of the ambient noise in a seagrass bed", Proc. of IEEE/MTS OCEANS'14, St. John, NL, Canada, 2014 - PDF
[11] Sérgio Jesus, Orlando Rodriguez, Paulo Felisberto, Cristiano Soares "Passive acoustics as a tool for global ocean monitoring and exploration", Mathematics and Engineering in Marine and Earth Problems, Aveiro, Portugal, 2014
[12] Paulo Felisberto, Friedrich Zabel, Orlando Rodriguez, Paulo Santos, Sérgio Jesus, W. Champenois, A. V. Borges, R. Santos "Using active and passive acoustics to assess O2 production of a Posidonia Oceanica meadow", Workshop Seagrasses in Europe: Threats, Responses and Management, Olhão, Portugal, 2014
[13] Paulo Felisberto, J. Schneiderwind, Paulo Santos, Orlando Rodriguez, Sérgio Jesus "Comparing the resolution of Bartlett and MVDR estimators for bottom parameter estimation using pressure and vector sensor short array data", Proc. of MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2013, Bergen, Norway, 2013
[14] Cristiano Soares, Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus "Acoustic Observatories for Ocean Tomography: geometries and multi-array Matched-Field Tomography", Proc. of MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2011 Conference, Santander, Spain, 2011
[15] A. Caiti, Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus, T. Husoy, I. Karasalo, R. Massimelli, T. Reinen, António Silva "UAN – Underwater Acoustic Network", Proc. of MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2011 Conference, Santander, Spain, 2011
[16] Paulo Santos, Paulo Felisberto, Orlando Rodriguez, J. Joao, Sérgio Jesus "Geometric and Seabed parameter estimation using a Vector Sensor Array Experimental results from Makai experiment 2005", Proc. of MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2011 Conference, Santander, Spain, 2011
[17] Paulo Felisberto, Nelson Martins, Sérgio Jesus "Field Calibration a Tool for Acoustic Noise Prediction: the CALCOM10 data set", Proc. of IX ETAS 2010 - IX Encontro de Tecnologia Acustica Submarina, Arraial do Cabo, Brasil, 2010
[18] Paulo Felisberto, Paulo Santos, Sérgio Jesus "Tracking source azimuth using a single vector sensor", Proc. of SENSORCOMM 2010 4th International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, Venice, Italy, 2010
[19] Paulo Santos, Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus, J. Joao "Experimental Results of Geometric and Geoacosutic Parameter Estimation Using a Vector Sensor Array", Proc. of IX ETAS 2010 - IX Encontro de Tecnologia Acustica Submarina, Arraial do Cabo, Brasil, 2010
[20] Paulo Santos, Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus "Vector Sensor Arrays in Underwater Acoustic Applications", Proc. of DoCEIS 2010 - Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010
[21] Paulo Felisberto, Orlando Rodriguez, Sérgio Jesus, Paulo Santos "Geoacoustic Matched-field inversion using a Vertical Vector Sensor Array", Proc. of UAM 2009 - 3rd. International Conference on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results, Nafplion, Greece, 2009
[22] Paulo Santos, Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus "Estimating Bottom Properties with a Vector Sensor Array during the Makai 2005 Experiment", Proc. of MARTECH 2007 - 2nd International Workshop on Marine Technology, Barcelona, Spain, 2007
[23] Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus, P. Relvas "Acoustic Inversion of the Cold Water Filaments of the Southwest Coast of Portugal", Proc. of MTS/IEEE Oceans 2007, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2007
[24] Paulo Felisberto, Paulo Santos, P. Hursky "Source Localization with a Vector Sensor Array during the Makai Experiment", Proc. of UAM 2007 - 2nd International Conference on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results, Heraklion, Greece, pp. 985-990, 2007
[25] Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus "An hybrid acoustic-oceanographic method for estimating the spatial distribution of sound", Proc. ECUA2006 - European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, pp. 663-668, Carvoeiro, Portugal, 2006
[26] Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus "Mapeamento espacial de perturbacoes da temperatura do oceano por integracao sistematica de dados acusticos e medicoes in-situ", Jornadas do Mar: um Oceano de Oportunidades, Escola Naval, Lisboa, 2004
[27] Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus, Y. Stephan, X. Demoulin "Shallow water tomography with a sparse array during the INTIMATE98 sea trial", Proc. Oceans2003 - IEEE Marine Technology and Ocean Science Conference, San Diego, USA, 2003 - PDF
[28] Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus "Towed array plane and non-planewave beamforming under ships maneuvering", 3rd European Conf. Underwater Acoustics (ISBN 960-85709-2-1), p.483-488, Heraklion, Greece, 1996
[1] Paulo Felisberto "Data Fusion Applied to Ocean Acoustic Tomography", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Algarve, Portugal, 2005

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No publications found for author "cap-pauloalexandredasilva"

[1] Paulo Felisberto, C. Lopes, A. Carmo, Sérgio Jesus "Um sistema autonomo para tomografia acustica oceanica", submitted to Tecno Visao, EST, Universidade do Algarve , 2003

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