Sistema Óptico de Digitalização Tridimensional para a Indústria dos Moldes

Computer Vision, Computer Graphics

This project aims the development of an optical three-dimensional scanning system, design to respond to the needs of the mould industry.
Three-dimensional scanning is used for industrial dimensional control and reverse engineering. However, most of the automated systems available (either optical or laser) require too much intervention of a CAD operator during the process of reverse engineering, since they return nonparametric primitives that do not convey topologic information. On the other hand, contact systems require a bigger involvement of human resources during the digitalization stage.
The optical system to be developed will present innovative features that will allow 3D models to include topological information, that will be most useful to the CAD engineer. The system will become a production good of great value to the involved company, since it will lead to the optimization of a significant part of its productive system (industrial design and metrology) wherever it is supported by reverse engineering and automated measuring tasks.

Agência de Inovação – POSI Program
ID: 16
From: 2002
To: 2004
Funders: AdI
Partner: SET SA,Reverse Eng. SA

Computer and Robot Vision Lab (VisLab)

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