Nelson Miguel Silva Ramos

Nelson Ramos

Former Collaborator

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[1] Nelson Ramos, "Multi-Robot Systems Middleware Applied to Soccer Robots", Proc. of ROBoTICA2007 - 7th Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions, Paderne, Portugal, 2007
[2] Nelson Ramos, "Mermaid – Multiple-Robot Middleware for Intelligent Decision-Making", Proc. of IAV2007 - 6th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Toulouse, France, 2007
[3] Nelson Ramos, Pedro Lima, J. M. Sousa, "Robot Behavior Coordination Based on Fuzzy Decision-Making", Proc. ROBOTICA 2006 - 6th Portuguese Robotics Festival, Guimaraes, Portugal, 2006 - PDF
[1] Hugo Costelha, "ISocRob 2006 Team Description Paper", RoboCup 2006, Bremen, Germany, 2006

In the same group

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