Acronym AI4EU
Name A European AI On-Demand Platform and Ecosystem
Funding Reference H2020 - Grant agreement 825619
Dates 2019-01|2021-12

AI4EU is the European Union’s landmark Artificial Intelligence project, which seeks to develop a European AI ecosystem, bringing together the knowledge, algorithms, tools and resources available and making it a compelling solution for users. Involving 80 partners, covering 21 countries, the €20m project kicked off in January 2019 and will run for three years. AI4EU will unify Europe’s Artificial Intelligence community. It will facilitate collective work in AI research, innovation and business in Europe. By sharing AI expertise, knowledge and tools with the Platform, AI4EU will make AI available to all.

Research Groups Signal and Image Processing Group (SIPG)
Intelligent Robots and Systems Group (IRSg)
ISR/IST Responsible
João Paulo Costeira
Pedro Lima
Tiago Veiga