Alessio Del Bue

Alessio Del Bue
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MODI3D Models from 2D ImagesFCT2007-10|2010-09
[1] Sérgio Agostinho, João Pedro Gomes, Alessio Del Bue, "CvxPnPL: A unified convex solution to the absolute pose estimation problem from point and line correspondences", Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 492-512, 2023
[2] M. Paladini, Alessio Del Bue, João Xavier, L. Agapito, Marco Stošić, M. Dodig, "Optimal metric projections for deformable and articulated structure-from-motion", International Journal of Computer Vision, 96, No.2, 252-276, 2012
[3] Alessio Del Bue, "Non-rigid structure from motion using ranklet-based tracking and nonlinear optimization", Image and Vision Computing, 25 (3), pp. 297-310, 2007
[1] Alessio Del Bue, "Non-rigid stereo motion", in Scene Reconstruction, Pose Estimation and Tracking, R. Stolkin (Ed.), I-Tech, Vienna, Austria, pp. 530, 2007
[1] S. Mohammadi, Nuno Duarte, Dimitris Dimou, Y. Wang, Matteo Taiana, P. Morerio, Atabak Dehban, Plinio Moreno, Alexandre Bernardino, Alessio Del Bue, José Santos-Victor, "3DSGrasp: 3D Shape-Completion for Robotic Grasp", Proc. of ICRA 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, London, UK (accepted), 2023
[2] Gustavo Carneiro, Nuno Pinho da Silva, Alessio Del Bue, João Paulo Costeira, "Artistic image classification: An analysis on the PRINTART database", Proc. of ECCV 2012 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, Florence, Italy, pp. 143157, 2012
[3] Alessio Del Bue, João Xavier, L. Agapito, M. Paladini, "Bilinear factorization via Augmented Lagrange Multipliers", Proc. of ECCV 2010 - 11th European Conference on Computer Vision, Crete, Greece, 2010
[4] Alessio Del Bue, "A weighted factorization approach for articulated motion modelling", Proc. of ECCOMAS Multibody Dynamics Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 2009
[5] Alessio Del Bue, "Non-rigid structure from motion using quadratic deformation models", Proc. of BMVC 2009 - British Machine Vision Conference, London, UK, 2009
[6] Alessio Del Bue, "Human body modeling using quadratic deformations", Proc. ESMC 2009 - EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference, Lisboa, Portugal, 2009
[7] Alessio Del Bue, Marco Stošić, Marija Dodig, João Xavier, "2D-3D Registration of Deformable Shapes with Manifold Projection", Proc. of ICIP 2009 - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Cairo, Egypt, 2009 - PDF
[8] Aamir Ahmad, Alessio Del Bue, Pedro Lima, "Background Subtraction Based on Rank Constraint for Point Trajectories", Proc. of RecPad 2009 - 15th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Aveiro, Portugal, 2009 - PDF
[9] Alessio Del Bue, "Factorization for Non-Rigid and Articulated Structure using Metric Projections", Proc. of CVPR 2009 - IEEE Computer Science on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Miami, USA, 2009
[10] Alessio Del Bue, "Articulated motion analysis from motion capture data", Proc. of CMBBE 2008 - International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Porto, Portugal, 2008
[11] Alessio Del Bue, "Calibrating a Network of Cameras Based on Visual Odometry", Proc. of JETC 2008 - IV Jornadas de Engenharia Electronica e Telecomunicacoes e de Computadores, Lisbon, Portugal, 2008 - PDF
[12] Alessio Del Bue, "A Factorization Approach to Structure fromMotion with Shape Priors", Proc. of CVPR 2008 - IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Anchorage, Alaska, 2008
[13] Alessio Del Bue, "A Model of Brightness Variations Due to Illumination Changes and Non-rigid Motion Using Spherical Harmonics", Proc of BMVC 2008 - 19th British Machine Vision Conference, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 2008 - PDF
[14] Alessio Del Bue, "Recovering Euclidean Deformable Models from Stereo-motion", Proc. of ICIP 2008 - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, San Diego, CA, USA, 2008
[15] Alessio Del Bue, "Extracting Average Shapes from Occluded Non-rigid Motion", Proc. of IbPRIA 2007 - 3rd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Girona, Spain, LNCS 4478, 2007
[16] Alessio Del Bue, "Segmentation of Rigid Motion from Non-rigid 2D Trajectories", Proc. of IbPRIA 2007 - 3rd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Girona, Spain, LNCS 4477, 2007

In the same group

Sérgio Agostinho
Pedro Aguiar
José Miguel Antunes
Lucas Balthazar
Helena Barros
Victor Barroso
João Quartin Borges
Rogério Calazan
Francisco Maria Calisto
Pedro Cardoso
João Carvalho
Ivo Cortez
João Paulo Costeira
Miguel Dias
Hans Du Buf
Paulo Felisberto
Ricardo Fernandes
João Pedro Gomes
Pedro Miguel Mendes Guerreiro
Qiwei Han
Sérgio Jesus
Pusheng Ji
Roberto Lam
Vasco Ludovico
Agni Mantouka
Manuel Marques
Bernardo Marques
Nelson Estevao Martins
Celestino Martins
Dmytro Maslov Maslov
Alexandre Matos
Inês Pereira de Matos Matos
Daniela Medley
Manuel Melo
Gabriel Moreira
Hemaxi Narotamo
Jacinto Nascimento
Miguel Nobre da Costa
Filipa Oliveira
Gonçalo Pais
Prestes Maia
João Rodrigues
José Jerónimo Moreira Rodrigues
Orlando Rodriguez
Mário Saleiro
Carlos Santiago
Paulo Santos
Ana Bela Santos
João Saúde
João Semedo
António Silva
Luís Silva
Catarina Silva
Margarida Silveira
António Simões
Cristiano Soares
Brian Swenson
Slavisa TOMIC Tomic
Pedro Valdeira
Miguel Araújo Vasques
David Vicente
Rúben Viegas
Jayakorn Vongkulbhisal
João Xavier
Ehsan Zamanizadeh
Sabina Zejnilović
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