Nuno Duarte
Post-Doc Researchers
Electrical and Computer Engineer with a master (Cum laude) in Instituto Superior Técnico and a Joint-Degree Ph.D (Summa cum laude) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST, Portugal) and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland). The main topics of research are Robotics and Computer Vision with an emphasis on human action understanding from neurological, psychological, and physiological behaviour.
[1] Nuno Duarte, Aude Billard, José Santos-Victor, "The Role of Object Physical Properties in Human Handover Actions: Applications in Robotics", IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, November, 2022
[2] Nuno Duarte, Mirko Rakovic, Jovica Tasevski, Moreno Coco, Aude Billard, José Santos-Victor, "Action Anticipation: Reading the Intentions of Humans and Robots", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) Vol 3, N. 4, 2018
[1] Nuno Duarte, José Santos-Victor, "Robot Imitation of Polishing Motions by Observing Humans: From human non-verbal cues to stable limit cycles", Proc. of ICDL 2024 - IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning, Austin, Texas, USA, 2024
[2] Linda Lastrico, Nuno Duarte, Alessandro Carfí, Francesco Rea, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, José Santos-Victor, Alessandra Sciutti, "Like Robots, Like Humans: Pupil Dilation During Collaborative Object Manipulation", 21st International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2023, Abu Dhabi, 2023
[3] Linda Lastrico, Nuno Duarte, Alessandro Carfí, Francesco Rea, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, Alessandra Sciutti, José Santos-Victor, "If You Are Careful, So Am I! How Robot Communicative Motions Can Influence Human Approach in a Joint Task", IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing , 2023 - PDF
[4] S. Mohammadi, Nuno Duarte, Dimitris Dimou, Y. Wang, Matteo Taiana, P. Morerio, Atabak Dehban, Plinio Moreno, Alexandre Bernardino, Alessio Del Bue, José Santos-Victor, "3DSGrasp: 3D Shape-Completion for Robotic Grasp", Proc. of ICRA 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, London, UK (accepted), 2023
[5] Nuno Duarte, Mirko Rakovic, José Santos-Victor, "Robot Learning Physical Object Properties from Human Visual Cues: A novel approach to infer the fullness level in containers", Proc. of ICRA 2022 - IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2022
[6] Nuno Duarte, Mirko Rakovic, José Santos-Victor, "Learning Motor Resonance in Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction with Coupled Dynamical Systems", Proc. of ICRA 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Xi'an, China, 2021
[7] Nuno Duarte, Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis, José Santos-Victor, Aude Billard, "From human action understanding to robot action execution: How the physical properties of handled objects modulate non-verbal cues", Proc. of ICDL-EPIROB 2020 - Joint IEEE 10th International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, Virtual Conference, 2020
[8] Nuno Duarte, Mirko Rakovic, José Santos-Victor, "Coupling of Arm Movements during HRI: the handover case", IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man). New Delhi, India, 2019
[9] Mirko Rakovic, Nuno Duarte, J. Tasevski, José Santos-Victor, B. Borovac, "A dataset of head and eye gaze during dyadic interaction task for modeling robot gaze behavior", Proc. of ER(ZR)-2018 - 13th International Conference on Electromechanics and Robotics, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2018
[10] H. Simão, João Avelino, Nuno Duarte, Rui Figueiredo, "GeeBot: A Robotic Platform for Refugee Integration", ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2018), Student Design Competition. Chicago, USA, 2018
[1] Nuno Duarte, "Non-verbal Communication between Humans and Robots: Imitation, Mutual Understanding and Inferring Object Properties", Ph.D. Thesis, within the IST-EPFL Joint Doctoral Initiative, April, 2023
[1] Nuno Duarte, Mirko Rakovic, Jorge Salvador Marques, José Santos-Victor, "Action Alignment from Gaze Cues in Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction", Workshop at European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Munich, Germany, 2019
[2] João Avelino, Ricardo Ribeiro, Hugo Simão, Plinio Moreno, Rui Figueiredo, Nuno Duarte, Ricardo Nunes, Alexandre Bernardino, Martina Čaić, Dominik Mahr, Gaby Odekerken-Schröder , "Experiments with Vizzy as a Coach for Elderly Exercise", Personal Robots for Exercising and Coaching (PREC) workshop at ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2018). Chicago, USA, 2019